Ways To Make Your Roof More Energy-Efficient

An investment in a roof with high energy efficiency rewards homeowners in the form of lower monthly energy bills and more year-round comfort. Longer lifespans of the roof and its structural components are another energy-efficient roofing benefit. Contact a reliable roofing contractor near you ASAP if you want to get one installed. Here are three ways that homeowners can benefit from energy-efficient roofs:

Proper insulation

Achieving energy efficiency can be accomplished partly by installing insulation on your roof, preventing air within the house (both heated and cooled) from escaping through the roof. Insulation will be convenient if you don’t plan on repairing your roof soon.

However, you must also ensure that the attic and the basement are insulated. It would help if you also caulked the cracks and gaps around your home’s windows, doors, and walls. Many roofers also know about home insulation and can provide tips, so call the best roofing company near you to learn more.

Select a light-colored roofing materials

When it comes to a roof’s energy efficiency, one of the most important things is how well it keeps out unwanted heat from your home’s interior. This might make you think that a roof with a light color is better than one with a dark color, but this isn’t always the case.

Even though lighter colors should be more reflective, they won’t help if they aren’t made of energy-efficient materials. For example, a dark roofing material with an energy star rating will work better than a lighter material that isn’t engineered to save energy. Because of this, it would be ideal to choose the type of material first and then decide on the color.

Use a green roof

A green roof system is a roof extension that includes, at a minimum, high-quality waterproofing, a root repellant system, a lightweight growing medium proper drainage system, filter cloth, and plants.

A green roof is ideal for those who want to save energy, but you’ll need to ensure the roof can handle the weight of the plants and won’t leak. Putting plants on the roof might be a little pricey, but it can help lower your energy bills, improve the air quality and keep water from running off the roof.

Are you looking for ways to lower your monthly utility and electricity bills? Think about making your roof more energy-efficient. The best way to achieve an energy-efficient “green roof” is by hiring a roofing contractor near you to do the job. Their expertise and knowledge will ensure that your roof is 100% energy efficient.

Install Solar Shingles

Although solar shingles installation is expensive, they are undoubtedly the most energy-saving roofing material available. These solar panels are available in tiny sizes that are similar to typical roof tiles. They are a wonderful alternative for homeowners who wish to benefit from consistent solar electricity but don’t want to have a clanky roof.